Tutor.com now has something for almost everyone
Tutor.com is online help. It now has expanded to offer online IM tutors for K through adult.
Login in. All you need is your Mendocino County Library Card. Right on our website at
http://www.mendolibrary.org Scroll down the page until you see the Tutor.com logo and just click your way in.
You now have K-12, College and Adult Career Services available to you. Homework--a breeze.
Chemistry test--someone is there to help. Resume to write--both help and critiques available.
GED prep work. Research paper - stuck, just ask for help. Wondering about your scholarship essay, ask a pro. Citizenship test, help is here.
Available 1p.m. to 10 p.m. in English and Spanish.
Labels: Citizenship Help, Homework Help, Mendocino County Library, Tutor.com, www.mendolibrary.org