Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Poetry for April 11, 2007

Ukiah Library Poem of the Day for April 11, 2007


Linda Noel former Ukiah Poet Laureate



sing us some rain sway

oak arms shed

your blue clothing let

free you moist flesh flung

against bone windows flaunt

your sleek body fly

above thirsty dreams fall

into my parched canyon throat fill

my river up fool

me into thinking wetness is enough watch

me flood myself feed

the memory

melt mountains

make mud

Willits Library National Poetry Month Poem of the Day for April 11, 2007


Just lost, when I was saved!

Just felt the world go by!

Just girt me for the onset with Eternity,

When breath blew back,

And on the other side

I heard recede the disappointed tide!

Therefore, as One returned, I feel

Odd secrets of the line to tell!

Some Sailor, skirting foreign shores –

Some pale Reporter, from the awful doors

Before the Seal!

Next time, to stay!

Next time, the things to see

By Ear unheard,

Unscrutinized by Eye –

Next time, to tarry,

While the Ages steal –

Slow tramp the Centuries,

And the Cycles wheel!

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